56605 Sitka Drive
Otis, OR 97368
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Upcoming Resident Show & Tells

From October to mid-May, our Residency Program provides approximately 16 artists, writers, musicians and environmental scientists with time and space for reflection, artistic creation or scientific research. At a Resident Show & Tell you will get a glimpse of a resident's creative process, hear about research taking place in the area or see how a writer selects source material. These presentations are an opportunity for residents to share their work with the community.

Sat, Jan 5, 1pm - Fall residents share about their time at the Sitka Center. Presentations begin at 1pm in the Boyden Studio

Wed, Jan 23, 6pm - Newly arriving Spring residents share what brought them to the Sitka Center. Presentations begin at 6pm in the Boyden Studio

Click for a list of all upcoming events.

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